Day 1: What is Shaping My Life?
Romans 12:2 How are we transformed?
Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks, so is he.
What if we told you that your thoughts are shaping your beliefs, and your beliefs are shaping your life? Would it make you want to be more observant of the thoughts you allow to take residence in your mind?
What we believe is vitally important in determining the kind of life we will experience. It is impossible to live a life of abundance while being consumed with thoughts of lack. If we want to change our lives, we must first change what we believe and what we say.
When we have wrong ideas about our lives, we will begin to go in the wrong direction. However, believing what God says about us will result in experiencing His perfect plan and purpose for our lives! Believing is more than wishful thinking. Believing involves committing ourselves to the process of dwelling on the right thoughts, speaking the words God says, and then taking action.
1. Set Your Mind and Keep It Set
Colossians 3:2 AMPC - And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on thethings that are on earth.
When the weather drastically changes at the beginning of a season, we reset the temperature on our AC units. The change in our external environment requires us to change. the thermometer to account for the variation. What worked in one season no longer works in the next. A heater is comforting in the winter, but intolerable at the peak of the summer. This concept applies when thinking about our thought lives as well. We must make an intentional choice to daily set our minds ahead of time on the things of God - what we will think, what we will believe, and what we will do.
Think about your life right now. What are God’s thoughts around your situation and what are the world’s thoughts?
2. Renew Your Mind
Romans 12:2 NKJV - And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
An unrenewed mind is one that has remained unchanged since receiving Jesus Christ as Savior. When our mind is unrenewed it is fertile ground for the enemy to operate. Unfortunately, renewing your mind is not as easy as renewing your driver's license. Renewing your driver's license is only done every few years, but renewing your mind must be done moment by moment. Changing our thoughts is a continual, ongoing process of intentionally thinking the right thoughts until they become natural and immediate. You know your mind is being renewed when the wrong thoughts make you feel uncomfortable.
According to Romans 12:2, is it possible to accomplish God's perfect will for your life without renewing your mind?
Write a Prayer In Your Journal On How You Want God To Change Your Beliefs over The Next 21 Days.
Declare: I have the mind of Christ and I take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ.