What are services like at Cornerstone?

Help us prepare for your arrival by pre-registering your children here! You will still need to check them in each service. However, this will make your first visit significantly easier!
What Are Service Times?
Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am and 11:45am
1st Wednesday: 7:00 pm
Catalyst: Wednesdays 6:30-8:50 pm
Where is Cornerstone Located?
Cornerstone Church's Campus is located at:
9900 SE 15th St
Midwest City, OK 73130
What About My Youth?
For older kids and teenagers grades 6+, we have an exciting youth program called Catalyst Student Ministries. This service takes place each Wednesday night, 6:30 pm at our Catalyst building (down the hill from our main building). On Sunday morning, all ages, (grades 6+) worship together in our main services.
What About My Kids?
We believe kids should have a blast at church every single week. Our children’s department will host your kids in the best way possible. At Cornerstone Kids we make this a priority. Because your children’s safety is also a priority, we have a detailed check-in process for our Cornerstone Kids. If you pre-register your kids, your check-in information will already be in our system. You will still need to check-in your children each visit. However, pre-registration will make your first visit significantly easier.
If you don’t pre-check your kids, you will need to leave yourself an extra 10 minutes to get signed in for the Cornerstone Kids experience. Cornerstone Kids is offered at every Cornerstone service for kids ages infant through grade 5.
What Happens After My First Visit?
After your first visit, you will be invited to attend our Dream Team 101 course, and find out how to take your Next Step here at Cornerstone.
What Can I Expect From Your Sunday Morning Worship Experience?
As you arrive, you will be greeted by friendly faces and will be offered complimentary coffee and donuts at “Jehovah Java”. By filling out the information above or by filling out a Connect Card during service, you will be given a complimentary Cornerstone coffee mug with some goodies inside!
Services at Cornerstone are about an hour in length. The service will start with a greeting from the stage and our worship team, Ovation Worship, will lead us in about 15-20 minutes of worship. Song lyrics will be projected on screens in front of you. You are invited to sing along and engage in worship. After this, a Pastor from our church will bring a message of hope from the Word of God.