Attitudes For a Changed Life: Applying the Beatitudes
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples the attitudes necessary for an impactful ministry and a fulfilling life. Known as the Beatitudes, these teachings lay the foundation for true discipleship by adjusting our perspective and priorities. Before we can effectively lead others spiritually, we must first grow in godly attitudes ourselves.
As we break down and apply each Beatitude, we'll discover that Jesus promises blessing with the right heart posture. This profound happiness comes only through a close relationship with him.
Let's explore the Beatitudes and how we can live them out today!
Draw Close To Christ
Happiness Results From Following Jesus.
The Meaning of "Blessed"
With each attitude Jesus describes comes an attached blessing. But what does "blessed" really entail? It means:
Favor - being preferred and envied.
Spiritual prosperity
Happiness - which ultimately results from following Jesus.
Happiness doesn't require perfect circumstances, lack of problems, or absence of worries. It flows from the choice to draw close to Christ amidst the ups and downs of life.
Poor in Spirit: Humility Before God
For Unbelievers
“Poor in spirit" means a lost person recognizes their spiritual bankruptcy without Jesus. We can't earn salvation through good works or religiosity. Our sin has left us spiritually broke, desperate for the Savior's rescue. Admitting this takes humility.
For Believers
For those already saved, "poor in spirit" is an attitude acknowledging everything good we have comes from God's grace, not our effort. Our talents and success aren't about us - they're all about Jesus! We boast only in Him.
My life is all about Jesus now. It's not about me. It's all about Jesus. (Philippians 1:20)
Blessed are Those Who Mourn
Going through painful trials is difficult, but Jesus says there’s still a blessing in the midst of mourning. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter who remains with us, even carrying us through life’s darkest moments if we let Him. “You don't have to grieve alone because you have a Comforter.”
Just as the Holy Spirit comforted Job in his epic disaster, He remains with us in our troubles. When grief leaves us disoriented and depressed, the Spirit anchors us to hope in God's faithfulness.
He guides us through stages of grief, preventing us from falling into permanent despair. The Holy Spirit respects our free will but gently convicts us when we are willing to listen.
This Beatitude also reminds us that conviction from the Spirit differs from condemnation by the enemy. Let conviction guide you into greater intimacy with God!
Meekness is Strength Under Control
Meekness gets misunderstood as weakness, but Jesus has nothing against harnessing strong abilities for His glory! He wants to direct our drive into purposeful living just as a horse trainer channels the animal’s force.
Being meek also means fully surrendering our agenda to what God designs for our lives. We shouldn’t fight His plans to mold us. When we walk in obedience, God promises the inheritance of His blessings.
Hungering for Righteousness
God doesn’t want us half-heartedly satisfied with a stale relationship. He wants a passionate appetite for Him constantly! Our hunger and thirst for God should be like our body’s craving for food - urgent and desperate when deprived for too long.
But Jesus specifies hungering for righteousness, not just spiritual experiences. Righteousness means actively pursuing what aligns with God’s truth and ways even if it collides with popular agendas. Jesus warns religious leaders:
I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God's people. (Jude 1:3)
God gave us this gospel message as stewards. We need to take a stand for timeless biblical truth instead of dismantling it in hopes of attracting skeptics. The next generation needs something solid that works! Young people want to believe in a big God who still performs miracles if we proclaim this audaciously.
So yes, we must swim upstream against society’s flow at times. But our motivation stems from hunger to uphold righteous standards so that others can discover the power of pure faith too. God and truth matter most.
Peace, Not Compromise
Peacemaking Not Compromise
Peacemakers don’t dodge conflict to keep the peace. That only postpones inevitable confrontations while problems escalate unchecked.
David exemplifies true peacemaking. He didn’t befriend the threatening Philistines or downplay Goliath’s taunts. David stared down evil and eradicated it so that peace could prevail in the land. We make peace through redemptive actions, not compromise.
Enduring Persecution
It stings when people dislike or mistreat us because of loving Jesus. But they ultimately reject Christ, not us personally. We can bear scorn for His name's sake because this stigma stamps us as His children too. Consider it a privilege! Our allegiance remains irrevocably to the Lord no matter who protests.
Applying Beatitudes to Our Lives
After explaining the attitudes Jesus expects from His followers, it's up to us whether or not we will pursue cultivating them. But only with the help of the Holy Spirit at work within us can beatitude living overflow through our imperfect lives. Are we willing to let Him transform us increasingly into Christ's image?
Depending on the Holy Spirit
A key theme in the Beatitudes is reliance upon the abiding Holy Spirit to sustain us through every situation. Trying to manufacture these godly attitudes by sheer self-effort will only spiral into spiritual burnout and pretension. We desperately require the Spirit’s power and wisdom at all times to walk out with genuine faith and Christlike virtue.
Fortunately, Jesus assured His original disciples and modern believers:
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever - the Spirit of truth...He lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:16-17)
The Holy Spirit sticks closer than a friend, actively helping us in ways we often don't notice. He stands ready to guide us whenever we ask. But are we willing to acknowledge the neediness for His supernatural work to shape beatitude character?
Surrendered dependence launches the process. Then we simply walk day by day in sensitivity to His whispers, trusting the Spirit to handle transformation details. Progress may seem slow, but eventual fruit worth the patience shines through.
Receiving the Gift of Salvation
Accept God's gift of salvation through Jesus, launching the ultimate eternal adventure! It starts with humility, acknowledging our spiritual need for Him. Then, trust fully in Christ, not our efforts, to own salvation. Keep unwrapping the endless benefits of Jesus' free yet costly gift as we discover more about God's goodness!
Don't miss out on eternity with the Lord due to pride blocking full faith in Jesus today. What matters most is at stake. Yet, God patiently waits, desiring a relationship with you above all else.
Embrace the Joy of Serving God!
Benefits of Serving God
When we receive Christ's gift of salvation, serving God brings unimaginable blessings in this life and the next. Intimacy with Jesus satisfies our deepest longings in a way that temporal things cannot. Living wholeheartedly to glorify God fills our days with meaning and adventure beyond ourselves.
Everything changes when Christ's Spirit comes alive within us, transforming us into His image. Renewing our minds and attitudes opens doors to new and previously unimaginable possibilities. Instead of ruling our small kingdoms, we become vessels yielded to God, believing in His greater grace.
Embracing the Joy of Serving God
Choosing to serve God is the most rewarding decision a person can make. It's not just about the blessings that will flood into your life on earth, but also the promise of eternal joy and satisfaction in His presence.
Answering the call to faith and service and allowing the divine author to pen your life's story, results in a transformation that goes beyond worldly comprehension.
The blessings of serving God are indeed manifold; they are here for you today, tomorrow, and for all eternity. Don't hesitate to say "Yes" to Jesus now and experience heaven on earth.