“I WILL” (Part One) - Expect A Miracle

Expect the Impossible This Year

God is still in the miracle business. As we step into 2024, our goal for Cornerstone Church is that we would be people who believe in God for miracles in our own lives and in our community.

There is a powerful phrase "I WILL" When we make up our minds and partner with God in unwavering faith, He can do extraordinary things through us. "I Will" signifies two key aspects that define our commitment and determination.

  1. I will have a determined heart and mind towards God's plans.

  2. I will make myself available for God to use me.

With this mindset and trust in God's plan, we unlock the potential to accomplish remarkable feats and make a positive impact on the world around us.

We aspire to discuss the concept of embracing miracles - that we would be a church where the supernatural presence of God shows up to heal, provide, protect, and work powerfully.

Why We Need to Believe in Miracles

Some of us are going to desperately need a miracle in 2024. Unfortunately, this is the case, but we live in an imperfect world. Some will face illness, financial crisis, relational breakdowns, or threats to health and safety that only God can resolve.

Praying that when those situations arise, we respond in faith, declaring, "God, we will believe for our miracle!" Let's predetermine in our hearts this year to have full confidence that our miracle-working God can show up with healing, provision, protection, or whatever else we specifically need.

God's Heart for You

God Is For You!

The Lord is Close to the Brokenhearted.

Know this: God is for you, not against you. Even when you've made mistakes or messed things up badly, that doesn't disqualify you from God's miracle-working power. He is constantly recalculating to order your steps into a blessing.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)

Our mistakes don't disqualify us, they prepare us for greater dependence on God. Like a plowed field ready for harvest, God can use suffering and brokenness to bring forth new life.

You are not too far lost for God to find and restore. He relentlessly pursues us in love. When GPS can't navigate us to our destination due to construction barriers, it simply keeps recalculating a new route. Similarly, God redirects our paths when we get off course.

Expect a Miracle

Oral Roberts' motto: "Expect a miracle!" Living with hopeful expectancy that God is out to bless, not get. Embracing daily life with the supernatural God who can do the impossible.

Let me paint a picture of expectancy. For example, we check the mailbox every day, just expecting something cool to arrive. We live in hopeful anticipation of good things coming our way. That's how we need to approach each day ... rejoicing in God's goodness, expecting His divine breakthroughs and blessings at any moment. The psalmist said "This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). Even when circumstances look impossible, cling to joyful expectancy.

Believing God for Your Breakthrough

Maybe you feel like you've messed up too many times for God to help you now. Or perhaps you've been praying desperately for a miracle but see no evidence that God is moving.

Assuredly, the enemy is lying to you. Your prayers have been heard, and divine activity is happening behind the scenes!

Behind the Scenes Motion

Here at Cornerstone Church, we had a beautiful Christmas production, there was non-stop action on stage for a full hour. But just as impressive was the unseen coordination backstage executing perfect timing on props, costumes, and technical cues. The audience couldn't see it, but at just the right moments, everything showed up exactly when needed to showcase our performers. It took a massive team working in sync to pull it off.

God is orchestrating a similar behind-the-scenes comeback for your life! You may not perceive it, but He is organizing the perfect people and events to bring you into a breakthrough at just the right time.

"God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28 NLT)

He is worthy of your trust. Your miracle may be delayed but it is coming!

The Battle Has Turned

After 21 days of praying and fasting, the prophet Daniel saw no visible breakthrough. But an angel appeared saying"Since the first day you set your mind to gain understanding ... your words were heard and I have come in response ... the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me ..." (Daniel 10:12-13).

Since Daniel's first prayer, demonic resistance battled the dispatch of God's miracle provision. But the Heavenly hosts broke through to deliver it.

The tide turned in Daniel's favor the moment he sought God in faith. Our breakthroughs sometimes take time because it's an all-out war in the heavens. But rest assured - the moment you cried out to God your miracle was set in motion.

Speak Faith Over Your Situation

What Looks Impossible to You - God Can Turn Around!

Martha was indignant when her brother Lazarus died, and Jesus didn't show up to heal him in time. But even four days later, Martha's faith remained stirred up.

It's Not Too Late for God

She knew Jesus could resurrect life even after such a long delay. "But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you" (John 11:22).

Perhaps you feel it's too late for your dreams, too far gone for a breakthrough. Maybe sickness or lack has had its way too long. Consider Lazarus ... after four days dead and decomposing, Jesus Christ spoke life into his corpse.

It's not over for you either! Even now, God can turn around what looks impossible. Speak like Martha "Even now God is able! Even now dreams can come true!" Your season of miraculous turnaround is at hand.

“Let the weak say "I am strong" (Joel 3:10). Call yourself healed, delivered, and victorious. The power of life and death is in your tongue (Proverbs 18:21). God waits for a voice to authorize the miracle.

Agree with Jeremiah "Ah Lord God! Nothing is too difficult for you!" (32:17). He has unlimited power to meet your needs. Just believe and declare the reality your heart knows by faith, and nothing will withstand the mighty hand of God. Your miracle is on its way!

Will You Receive a New Life?

Experience the Joy Of A New Life That Never Ends!

The greatest miracle you'll ever experience is being born again. God will reach down to radically transform you through receiving Jesus Christ as your forgiver and leader. In an instant, He cleans your heart and enables you to fulfill your purpose on earth. He literally recreates your identity according to His loving design.

You receive this new birth miracle by believing in your heart Christ died for your sins and confessing with your mouth "Jesus Christ is Lord" (Romans 10). Salvation occurs the moment you truly believe and surrender your life to Him as supreme king and counselor.

All other miracles spring forth from the transformation He works inside. As you yield your thoughts, behaviors, and pursuits over to His will, you become a conduit of the supernatural everywhere you go. The impossible becomes possible when you carry God Himself within you.

Believe and speak - the recipe for every miracle. Experience the joy of a new life that never ends!

Let's expect to see revival miracles break out among us this year. Let's determine together to live by daring faith in our mighty God. The best is truly yet to come!


Pray First: The Transformative Influence of Passionate Prayer: Unlocking God’s Power in 2024


Simply Christmas; Part Two: Embracing the Joy