Is There Any Word From the Lord?

Hearing God's Voice: Discovering Wisdom and Direction

Life's journey is filled with crossroads where decisions must be made. A word from God can provide the clarity needed to make the right choice. Sometimes, the direction given by God is simply to "stand still" (Exodus 14:13). This guidance can prevent hasty decisions and align one's path with God's perfect plan.

The Need for a Word from God

Every individual, at some point in their life, finds themselves in need of divine guidance. This need often arises during times of uncertainty, struggle, or when facing significant decisions.

The Apostle Paul experienced this firsthand when he sought relief from his "thorn in the flesh." In his dialogue with God, Paul learned a profound truth: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). This revelation transformed Paul's perspective, allowing him to embrace his weaknesses as opportunities for God's strength to be displayed.

Hebrews 12:6 reminds us, "For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives." Embracing God's correction helps believers avoid pitfalls and align their lives with His will.

Hearing from God can bolster faith, providing a firm foundation even in the face of adversity. When God speaks, it instills confidence and assurance that His plan will prevail, regardless of the circumstances.

The Two Types of God's Word

Understanding the different ways God communicates is crucial for recognizing His voice in our lives. The Bible highlights two primary types of God's word: Logos and Rhema.

Logos: The Written Word

The Greek term "Logos" refers to the written word of God, encapsulated in the Bible. This sacred text serves as a timeless source of wisdom, instruction, and encouragement for believers.

  • The Bible as a guide

  • Source of divine wisdom

  • Encouragement in times of need

Engaging with the Bible regularly allows God to speak into our lives. As believers read and meditate on Scripture, they often find that specific passages resonate deeply, addressing their current situations.

Rhema: The Spoken Word

In contrast, "Rhema" refers to the spoken word of God, which can come through various means such as sermons, songs, or prophetic messages. This type of word often brings immediate clarity and direction.

  • Insight during sermons

  • Encouragement through songs

  • Prophetic messages

Rhema words are characterized by their ability to come alive in the hearts of believers, providing timely and specific guidance. These words can profoundly impact one's faith journey, offering reassurance and direction precisely when needed.

Building on the Solid Foundation

Building a spiritual life requires wisdom and intentionality. Jesus' parable of the two builders in Matthew 7 offers profound insights into the importance of laying a strong foundation.

The Parable of the Two Builders

Jesus described two builders: one wise and one foolish. The wise builder constructed his house on a solid foundation, while the foolish builder built on sand. When storms came, only the house on the solid foundation withstood the tempest.

Lessons from the Wise Builder

Storms are inevitable in life. The key is to build on a foundation that can withstand them. In this parable, the solid foundation represents living according to God's Word. Build on God's Word, put God first, and follow divine principles.

To be a wise builder, one must prioritize God in every aspect of life. Whether in marriage, finances, or personal growth, aligning oneself with God's principles ensures stability and resilience.

Personal Responsibility in Building

God provides the blueprint, but we are responsible for the construction of our spiritual lives. Blaming God for our failures is a common pitfall. Instead, we must take accountability for our choices and actions.

Awareness in the Spiritual Battle

In the spiritual realm, awareness and vigilance are crucial. 1 Peter 5:8-9 highlights the importance of being alert and resisting the devil's schemes, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings."

Understanding the Enemy

Satan is described as a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. However, he cannot devour just anyone; he looks for those who are vulnerable or have let their guard down.

  • Be alert

  • Maintain a sober mind

  • Resist the devil

Being alert means recognizing the enemy's tactics and not allowing fear to dictate our responses. Instead, we should respond with faith, using God's promises as our defense.

Situational Awareness

Situational awareness involves being conscious of our surroundings and the spiritual implications of our actions and decisions.

It is being cautious about where we go, who we associate with, and the environments we place ourselves in. This awareness helps prevent unnecessary spiritual and physical dangers.


Self-awareness involves understanding who we are in Christ and recognizing both our strengths and weaknesses. It means knowing our identity and the authority we possess as believers. By grasping our identity in Christ, acknowledging our spiritual strengths, and addressing our weaknesses, we grow in self-awareness.

Self-awareness also means being honest with ourselves and seeking God's guidance to correct and grow. Psalms 139:23 says, "Search me, God, and know my heart." This introspection is crucial for spiritual growth and victory.

Be Spiritually Bold

As believers, we are called to stand firm and resist the enemy. However, this requires a combination of vigilance and self-awareness. By understanding our enemy and being aware of our surroundings and ourselves, we can effectively defend against his attacks and live victorious lives in Christ.

So let us remain vigilant, maintain a sober mind, and stand strong in the faith as we continue to face trials in this fallen world. May God's promises be our source of strength and hope as we navigate through life's challenges. 

But remember that we are not alone; the family of believers around the world is undergoing similar struggles. Let us support each other in prayer and encouragement, knowing that together, we can overcome any spiritual attack.  So let us put on the full armor of God, stay watchful, and remain steadfast in our faith. For in doing so, we can resist the devil and see God's victory manifested in our lives.


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