Legacy of a Dad: Becoming a Godly Man and Leaving a Lasting Legacy

The legacy of a dad is not just about leaving behind material wealth but passing on values and principles that will shape future generations. This isn't just a message for fathers—it's a call to all men.

The focus is on understanding what it means to be a godly man and how to leave a powerful, lasting, legacy.

The Need for Real Men

Today's world often talks about a crisis of leadership, especially among men. There is a dire need for real men to step up, lead their families, and be pillars of their communities and churches. This isn't a criticism but a challenge. Real men must stand firm and lead with integrity and courage.

Disclaimer to Women: The insights shared here are for men to introspect and grow. Women, support your men with love and prayers, not criticism. Let this be a journey between a man and his Creator.

The Warrior Within Every Man

Every man has an innate warrior spirit, a part of their spiritual DNA put there by God. Unfortunately, complacency and a lack of challenges often lull this warrior to sleep. Men

need battles to fight and dragons to slay. Without these, men are vulnerable to falling into sin and losing their purpose.

The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is a poignant example. Adam failed to rise and fight the serpent (or dragon), leading to the fall of humanity. This underscores the need for men to stay vigilant and fight the battles they are called to face.

What Is a Real Man?

When asked what a real man is, often names like John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, or modern figures like Joe Rogan come to mind. However, being a real man isn't about physical toughness or iconic status.

Jesus Christ, the epitome of a real man, didn't fit those macho stereotypes but led with unparalleled strength and humility.

The Legacy Versus Inheritance

Leaving a legacy is different from leaving an inheritance. While an inheritance is about material wealth, a legacy is about values like character, integrity, and decency. It’s about passing down what it means to be a person of uprightness and accomplishment.

The Legacy List: Titus 1:6-9

The Bible provides a roadmap for godly men in the Book of Titus. Let's dive into some of the qualities mentioned:

1. Faithful to His Wife

A godly man is devoted to his wife. This doesn't mean a man can make his wife happy as true happiness is a personal choice, but he can create opportunities for happiness through thoughtfulness, love, and patience. A significant way to leave a legacy is to model a great marriage for your children. Give them a strong foundation to build upon.

2. Focused on His Children

Men are called to prioritize their families. A man's success is first measured by how he leads and loves his family. Faithful children don’t mean perfect children but respectful, obedient ones. Discipline should be about teaching, not just punishment. Create an environment where it’s easy for children to pursue and know God.

3. Not Arrogant

Pride keeps men from being godly. It was the first sin and stands in direct opposition to God. Pride can prevent men from engaging in essential spiritual practices like reading the Bible, praying, repenting, and attending church. Humility opens the door to growth and godliness.

4. Slow to Anger

A godly man controls his temper. The Bible has over 500 verses on anger, emphasizing the importance of managing one's emotions. Scriptures like Ecclesiastes 7:9, Proverbs 22:24, and Proverbs 15:18 teach the value of being slow to anger and avoiding strife. A man of God uses self-control to navigate his emotions.

5. Not Given to Drinking

The question of whether a Christian can drink often arises. Ephesians 5:18 advises against excessive drinking, encouraging believers to seek fulfillment in the Holy Spirit rather than alcohol. Sobriety helps men remain sharp, make sound decisions, and be exemplary leaders.

6. Not a Bully

A godly man leads with strength but not through intimidation or fear. This means not being physically or verbally abusive. Treating family with love and respect is crucial.

7. Not Greedy for Money

Don't sacrifice your family for material gain. Balance your ambitions with the well-being of your loved ones. True success isn't measured by net worth but by the strength of your relationships and the legacy you leave.

8. Hospitable

Being hospitable means being a lover of strangers, much like Jesus. Help those in need and show compassion. Get to know your children’s friends and be a positive influence.

9. Sensible and Wise

Use time and resources wisely. Take care of your family and your health. A godly man makes well-thought-out decisions that benefit his loved ones.

10. Righteous and Holy

A godly man has a strong moral compass, follows truth, and leads by example. He isn't swayed by worldly temptations but strives to live a life of righteousness.

11. Faithful to the Message

The Bible is his guide for life. Being committed to biblical teachings helps navigate the complexities of life and provides a solid foundation for decision-making.

Faithfulness Over Perfection

God doesn’t demand perfection but asks men to do their best and be faithful. As men of God, strive to show up every day with a heart committed to leading and loving well. Remember, you're warriors created by God with a purpose. Stand up and lead your families and communities with courage and integrity.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5:6 Take on the challenge of becoming a godly man and leaving a legacy that lasts far beyond your years.



The God Series, Part Two: Understanding God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit


The God Series, Part One: Discovering the Loving Heart of Our Heavenly Father