The Power of Fasting: Awakening the Supernatural

Every First Wednesday, I dedicate my blog to exploring aspects of The Supernatural. It stems from the belief that when we gather at church, we should anticipate encountering the supernatural side of God. God is a spirit, and true worship requires a connection with Him on a spiritual level, surpassing what we see, hear, and feel. In this blog, I will talk about the supernatural power of fasting.

Setting the Stage

Reflecting on my past, I recall five life-changing principles that have the potential to transform our lives. These principles include the impact of relationships, the power of our words, the significance of sowing seeds, the influence of our habits, and the importance of our thoughts. While exploring these aspects, I realized that there is an additional life-changing force that can shape our journey—the power of fasting.


Understanding Fasting

To begin, let’s address the question “What is fasting?” In simple terms, fasting involves refraining from food for spiritual purposes. However, it's important to note that fasting is not merely abstaining from food, which would be comparable to dieting. True fasting involves replacing the time spent on food with prayer, intertwining fasting and prayer as essential companions. Fasting fuels our prayers, as exemplified throughout the Bible.


Biblical Examples of Fasting

Numerous biblical figures engaged in fasting and experienced supernatural encounters with God. Daniel fasted until he received a breakthrough, while Paul's fast led to a profound calling from God. Peter's fast resulted in a vision and revelation, and Esther found favor and protection through her fast. Cornelius' fast brought revival to his home and Jesus Himself emphasized the power of prayer and fasting to address certain challenging situations.


The Importance of Fasting

Fasting is not limited to the Old Testament, as Jesus mentioned fasting in His teachings. In Matthew's gospel, Jesus stated, "When you fast," implying that fasting is an expectation for believers. While we have flexibility in choosing what to fast, whether it's certain foods, electronics, or social media, the benefits of fasting become evident once we experience them.


Benefits of Fasting

Let's explore some of the benefits of fasting. First, fasting puts God first in our lives or restores His rightful place if we've strayed. Placing God as our top priority yields remarkable outcomes. Second, fasting brings our flesh to the altar, requiring us to subdue our desires and align ourselves with God's will. It serves as a reminder that our flesh should never govern our lives.


The Awakening of the Spirit

Perhaps the most significant benefit of fasting is its ability to awaken our spirit. Fasting strengthens us spiritually and awakens the spirit within us. It helps us overcome the distractions of daily life that hinder our encounters with God, allowing us to go deeper into the supernatural realm.


Recognizing the Importance of Spiritual Strength

As Christians, we are called to be strong in our faith, fulfilling the purpose God has placed upon our lives. It is imperative that we understand the significance of spiritual strength and the role it plays in our journey. We must awaken our spirits and acknowledge that we are more than just flesh and bones; we are eternal beings with a deeper connection to the spiritual realm.

The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting

1. Fasting Gives You Strong Faith

Fasting cultivates and strengthens our trust in God. By denying ourselves physical nourishment, we learn to rely solely on His provision and guidance. Our faith is deepened, and we gain a profound understanding of His unwavering faithfulness and love.

Through Fasting, We Develop A Heart of Worship

2. Fasting Gives You Strong Praise

Through fasting, we develop a heart of worship, offering gratitude and adoration to God. By setting aside worldly desires and focusing on His goodness, we open ourselves to a deeper connection with Him. Our praise becomes more authentic and genuine, enriching our relationship with the Creator.

3. Fasting Gives You Spiritual Endurance

Life is filled with challenges and trials that test our faith. Fasting equips us with the spiritual endurance necessary to persevere through these difficulties. By denying ourselves physical sustenance, we learn discipline and grow stronger in our ability to withstand spiritual battles.

4. Fasting Gives You Boldness

When we fast and spend intentional time with God, our spirits become sharpened and attuned to His presence. This heightened sensitivity encourages us to step out in faith, overcoming fear and hesitation. We become bolder in sharing our faith, stepping into God's calling, and living a life that brings Him glory.

5. Fasting Puts God First

By dedicating ourselves to fasting, we prioritize our relationship with God. We set aside time to seek His face, listen to His voice, and align our hearts with His will. Fasting becomes an act of devotion, deepening our connection and intimacy with our Heavenly Father.

6. Fasting Breaks the Spirit of Average

At times, we find ourselves in spiritual ruts, feeling stagnant and unfulfilled. Fasting has the power to break us free from mediocrity and ignites a fresh passion for God. It serves as a catalyst for change, renewing our zeal and inspiring us to pursue a deeper, more fulfilling spiritual walk.

The Power of Fasting Awakens Our Spirit and Draws Us Closer to God

The Promises of Fasting

Isaiah 58 provides us with a glimpse into the blessings and promises that accompany fasting. It speaks of divine insight, health, righteousness, answered prayer, guidance, satisfaction, refreshing, enduring works, and restoration. These promises highlight the incredible benefits that await those who embrace a fast lifestyle.

The power of fasting is a supernatural tool that awakens our spirits and draws us closer to God. By prioritizing fasting in our lives, we unlock a myriad of benefits that strengthen our faith, ignite genuine praise, build spiritual endurance, and embolden us to live boldly for God's purposes. Fasting breaks us free from the spirit of average and mediocrity, propelling us into a deeper, more fulfilling spiritual journey. It aligns us with God's priorities and opens the doors to His promises, including divine insight, health, righteousness, answered prayer, guidance, satisfaction, refreshing, enduring works, and restoration.

As believers, we must recognize the importance of spiritual strength and the role fasting plays in cultivating it. We are more than flesh and bones; we are eternal beings with a profound connection to the spiritual realm. Fasting enables us to tap into this supernatural realm, allowing us to experience God's presence and power in profound ways.

So, let us embrace the practice of fasting in our lives. Let us set aside time to seek God's face, surrender our desires, and align our hearts with His will. As we do so, we will witness the transformative power of fasting, awakening our spirits and empowering us to live a life that brings glory to God. May we embrace the supernatural journey that awaits us as we engage in the power of fasting.



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