Why We Worship: The Power and Purpose Behind True Worship

Worship is an essential part of the Christian life. But why do we worship and what happens when we engage in worship? We'll explore the biblical reasons for worship and how it impacts our lives.

It's a lifestyle of honoring God in everything we do. Through worship, we align ourselves with God's purposes and open ourselves up to His power working in and through us.

Whether you're new to worship or have been doing it for years, my hope is this post will give you a fresh perspective and excitement about worshiping our amazing God!

The Whole-Life Aspect of Worship

Worship isn't just something we do on Sundays. The apostle Paul urges us to "offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" as an "act of spiritual worship" (Romans 12:1). Our worship involves more than just lifting our hands and voices in the church. It's meant to be a lifestyle.

So how do we worship God in our everyday lives? Here are some practical ways:

Worship at Work

Many of us spend a significant amount of time at work. Here are some ways to honor God in the workplace:

● Do your work with excellence - you represent God there

● Keep a positive attitude even when it's difficult

● Honor your employer and co-workers instead of criticizing them

● Look for ways to be a light to your co-workers

Worship in Recreation

Invite God's presence into your daily life and leisure activities, choosing uplifting and edifying entertainment over destructive recreation. Take time to rest, reflect, and connect with nature, allowing moments of quiet to inspire worship.

Worship at Home

Paul mentions "the church in your home" (Philemon 1:2). Bring worship, Bible study, and Christian fellowship into your home.

Living a lifestyle of worship means going beyond Sunday mornings. Practicing gratitude, engaging in fun family worship, and having conversations about God's goodness are key ways to incorporate faith into everyday life.

Worship at Difficult Times

Praise first, and realign your perspective before complaining or getting discouraged. Use worship as a spiritual weapon to fight doubt, fear, anxiety, and hopelessness.

The Power of Praise

Praising God not only honors Him, it transforms us. Putting on garments of praise drives away heaviness and depression (Isaiah 61:3).

Praising our spouses and children improves those relationships. Praising co-workers and employers makes those environments healthier. Praise changes everything it touches!

"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts." (Colossians 3:16)

Worship amid Trials

King David wrote Psalm 103:1 - "Bless the Lord, O my soul; all that is within me, bless His holy name" - during a crisis. His men were about to kill him.

David stirred himself up to passionately worship God with his whole being. As a result, God told him to pursue his enemies, and he recovered everything.

When you're struggling, don't let discouragement rob you. Remember that God is with you now and in your future. Like David, worship with all your might. You'll reconnect with God's power and see a breakthrough.

Worship in the Spirit and Truth

Jesus said true worshippers must worship "in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). We need more than physical motions and rituals. Worship must engage our deepest passions and emotions.

David stirred himself up to bless the Lord with "all that is within me" (Psalm 103:1). Effective worship starts in the belly, not just the mind. It flows out from our core being.

So get passionate! Reach down into your spirit and give God your highest praise. Open your heart wide before Him. Get emotional with your worship - it's the only kind that changes you.

Worship That Moves God to Action

Half-hearted worship is powerless and ineffective. But passionate worship moves the heart of God.

When Peter cried out to Jesus amid the storm, Jesus answered and rescued them (Matthew 14:30). But He likely would have walked on by if Peter hadn't cried out in earnest.

Heartfelt worship builds our faith and moves God's hand. Through it, discouragement is defeated and a breakthrough is released. Like an engine, it makes things happen in the spiritual life.

Get fired up in your worship! Express your deep longings to the Lord. Watch as praise becomes the catalyst for miracles in your life.

"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will lift up my hands." (Psalm 63:3-4)

How to Get More Out of It

To fully embrace worship as a life-altering experience, one must delve into its significance and consciously integrate it into daily life. Let's explore practical methods to enhance the worship experience, fostering a deeper connection with divinity and enriching spiritual growth.

1. Identify areas where you need a breakthrough. Begin praising God passionately in those areas.

2. Ask God to give you a new hunger for deep, heartfelt worship. Fan your spiritual passions into


3. Commit to living a lifestyle of worship in every part of your life - work, home, recreation, etc.

Let us shift from passive adoration to fervent adulation that not only changes us but also stirs the hand of God! When we genuinely worship Him with all our heart and in accordance with His truth, we unlock an extraordinary power.

It's a vital spiritual discipline we desperately need to prioritize. May this post ignite a renewed passion within you to worship God wholeheartedly, with unwavering devotion, in every season and circumstance.

Let praise and worship God continually be on your lips, fueling your soul and empowering your life. God is worthy!

For recurring spiritual updates, you can follow us on YouTube. If you need prayers, please text us. Should you feel like contributing, we would appreciate your support. Find a church near you at Cornerstone Church in Midwest City, Oklahoma.


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