I Witness: Part Three

Igniting Your Faith Beyond Sunday: Living a Life of Service and Worship

Faith isn’t just about what we do on Sunday morning; it’s about living a life of service, love, and worship that impacts every day of the week. In a world driven by self-interest and self-promotion, Jesus calls us to a countercultural life focused on humility, compassion, and shining His light wherever we go.

In Matthew 20:26-28, Jesus tells His disciples, "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant… just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Christ’s example of servant-leadership reminds us that true greatness is found in humility and a willingness to serve others.

Here’s how we can embrace this call to grow, serve, and live as Christ’s witnesses beyond the walls of the church.

Growing in Faith

As followers of Christ, growth is a constant journey. Like a muscle that strengthens through stretching, our faith is strengthened through challenges and a willingness to trust God in new ways. Growth requires us to leave our comfort zones, accept God’s guidance, and surrender our plans to His. 

As Romans 12:2 encourages, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." True growth comes when we allow God to stretch, reshape, and mature us to be more like Christ.

Are you ready to be challenged? Ask God to reveal areas where He wants to strengthen and grow you.

Living Out Jesus' Mission

A life in Christ is a life of service. Jesus, our ultimate example, humbled Himself to serve others rather than seeking recognition. In Matthew 20:26-28, He reminds us, "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant… just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve." True greatness, according to Jesus, is found in a life devoted to uplifting and helping others.

When we serve, we embody the love of Christ and reveal His heart to the world. We’re not called to consume; we’re called to contribute. Each act of service, no matter how small, is a powerful testimony of God’s love and grace.

Worship Beyond Words: A Life of True Devotion

Worship goes beyond songs and Sunday services—it’s a lifestyle of devotion. Paul writes in Romans 12:1, “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Worship is about surrendering every part of our lives to God: our time, talents, resources, and hearts. This posture of humility and obedience invites God to use us for His purpose.

When we live with a worshipful heart, our actions reflect God’s love, drawing others toward Him. Let your life be a living testimony of worship in all you do.

Becoming a "With-ness" for God

Before we can effectively witness for Christ, we must learn to be a “with-ness” for Him. This means coming alongside others, living out the gospel in everyday interactions, and building authentic relationships. 

To witness is to be with others in their struggles, victories, and questions. It’s about showing God’s love through presence and compassion, as Jesus did with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4.

Consider this: to be a witness, we first need to be with. Be with people, listen to them, and genuinely care. When we invest in others, we earn the privilege of sharing God’s truth in a meaningful way.

The S.E.R.V.E. Acrostic Breakdown

To help guide us in serving, we can look at the acrostic S.E.R.V.E.:

  1. S - Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
    Jesus constantly stepped out of His comfort zone, meeting people where they were. Whether it was the tax collector, the sinner, or the outcast, He went to those who needed Him most. Ask God to give you courage to reach beyond your comfort zone, extending love and kindness to those who may feel invisible.

  2. E - Embrace the Lost and Hurting
    Jesus was drawn to the brokenhearted, always showing compassion to those who were hurting. Let’s follow His example by looking out for the needs of others and embracing them with kindness, even when it requires sacrifice.

  3. R - Respond to Needs
    The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) teaches us that true faith responds to the needs around us. When we see someone in need, we are called to act, offering help and support rather than looking the other way.

  4. V - Voice the Word God Has Given You
    Each of us has a testimony of God’s goodness. Share your story and let others see how God has been faithful in your life. As 1 Peter 3:15 says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

  5. E - Evangelize
    Spreading the gospel is our calling, and sometimes that means simply inviting someone to church or sharing a Bible verse. Evangelism is about living out God’s love and letting the Holy Spirit lead conversations that point others to Christ.

Responding Like the Good Samaritan

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus highlights the importance of compassion in action. A man, beaten and left on the side of the road, is ignored by religious figures, but a Samaritan stops to help. Though Samaritans and Jews were traditionally enemies, the Samaritan cared for this stranger, showing that love transcends cultural and personal boundaries. Jesus calls us to be like the Good Samaritan, ready to respond to the needs we encounter and reflect His love through our actions.

Who can you reach out to today? How can you respond to the needs around you?

Practical Tips for Sharing Your Faith

  1. Start with Prayer – Ask God to open doors for meaningful conversations and to guide you in sharing your faith.

  2. Share Your Story – Your testimony is unique and powerful. Don’t underestimate how much your personal story can impact others.

  3. Be Relatable and Honest – Speak authentically about your faith, and don’t worry about having all the answers. Your willingness to listen and care is often more impactful than perfect words.

  4. Offer to Pray for Others – This simple gesture can open hearts and encourage deeper spiritual conversations.

These simple steps can help make sharing your faith feel natural, personal, and Spirit-led.

Igniting Your Faith Beyond Sunday

Living as witnesses for Christ means staying close to Him every day. When we actively seek God’s presence, we’re empowered to reflect His love and grace in a world that often focuses on self-promotion. Each day brings new opportunities to live out our faith in ways that bring hope, healing, and encouragement to others.

As Jesus promises in John 15:5, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.” Staying rooted in Him fuels a life of purpose and service that extends beyond Sunday, filling our everyday actions with meaning and impact.

If you’re ready to take a step of faith, invite God to show you how He wants to use you. Whether it’s reaching out to a friend, serving in your church, or simply sharing your story, each act of obedience makes a difference. Together, let’s live out our faith boldly, sharing Jesus’ love and hope in every moment.


I Witness: Part Four


I Witness: Part Two