Lasting Love: Building Strong and Enduring Marriages

In the journey of life, few things are as precious and meaningful as lasting relationships. Among these, marriage stands out as one long relationship that has the potential to bring immense joy and fulfillment. Designed by God to go the distance, marriage is intended to last a lifetime, enabling couples to finish strong together.

Husband and Wife, Best Friends for Life

Best Friends For Life

At the core of a successful marriage is the bond of friendship. God desires husbands and wives to be best friends forever. This foundation of friendship ensures a deep connection, trust, and support for one another. By prioritizing friendship within the marital relationship, couples lay the groundwork for a strong and lasting connection that can weather any storm.

The Power of Apology and Seeking Help

In any relationship, apologies and seeking help play pivotal roles in fostering growth and healing. While it may be challenging for some men to express vulnerability and admit when they are wrong, the words "I'm sorry," "I was wrong," and "Please forgive me" hold tremendous power. These simple yet profound apologies have the ability to mend wounds, restore trust, and strengthen the marital bond. Furthermore, seeking help, whether it's regarding physical and mental health or challenges within the marriage, is essential for personal and relational growth. Overcoming the stigma around seeking counsel and support is crucial for husbands to thrive in their roles and cultivate healthy marriages. 

Addressing Key Areas of Reluctance

Within the context of seeking help, there are three crucial areas that men often hesitate to address: health, emotions, and marriage. By acknowledging and addressing these areas, husbands can take significant strides toward personal and relational growth. Prioritizing physical and mental health not only benefit the individual, but also alleviates potential burdens on the spouse and family. Likewise, embracing emotions and engaging in open and honest communication, helps create a safe and supportive environment within the marriage. Lastly, being willing to seek counsel and work on the marriage together leads to a deeper understanding of one another and facilitates growth and harmony. 

Living in Understanding and Honor

The Bible provides valuable guidance for husbands in 1 Peter 3:7, which encourages living with their wives in an understanding way and showing honor. This verse emphasizes the importance of seeking to understand one's spouse, honoring their unique qualities, and considering their needs and perspectives. By nurturing an environment of understanding and honor, husbands create a foundation of love and respect within their marriages. 

Building a Covenant and Becoming Soulmates

Marriage Is A Covenant

Marriage is not a mere contract or arrangement; it is a covenant. God designed marriage to be a lifelong commitment where both spouses wholeheartedly invest in the relationship. As soulmates, couples embark on a journey of mutual support, growth, and love. The commitment to go the distance, even in the face of challenges and difficulties, helps spouses draw closer to one another and to God. Together, they create a home built on love, trust, and companionship.

Lasting love and enduring marriages are within reach when couples prioritize friendship, embrace vulnerability, seek help when needed, and live with understanding and honor. By recognizing the importance of these foundational principles and committing to building a covenant relationship, husbands and wives can experience the fullness of a lifelong partnership. Let us cherish the gift of marriage, investing in it wholeheartedly and journeying together to finish strong, hand in hand. 

Love is a powerful force in a marriage, but it's not always enough to sustain a healthy and thriving relationship. While love forms the foundation of a marriage, it needs to be accompanied by honor and respect, as the Bible instructs. Honoring and respecting one another, specifically in the roles of husband and wife, are essential elements of a successful marriage.

In II Corinthians Chapter 2, the Apostle Paul speaks of his own weaknesses and how God revealed to him that it is through his weaknesses that God's strength is made manifest. This principle applies to every individual, and it becomes especially apparent within the context of a marriage. Each partner brings their own strengths and weaknesses into the relationship, and these differences often become apparent early on. It's crucial to recognize that weaknesses exist and to support and uplift each other accordingly. 

In a marriage, when one partner is weak, it’s the duty of the other to lend their strength and support, rather than criticizing or belittling them. This act of lending strength instead of criticism is a profound way to honor and respect one's spouse. For example, holding the door open for one's wife is not a gesture implying her weakness, but rather a display of respect and honor. It communicates that she is cherished and esteemed.

The Proverbs 31 woman is frequently praised and acknowledged, but the Proverbs 31 man is often overlooked. The Bible also speaks of the Proverbs 31 man, and one characteristic mentioned is that he trusts his wife. Trust is an indispensable aspect of building a strong relationship. Trust should be given freely and unconditionally. It involves believing the best in one's spouse, trusting their judgment, and valuing their advice. 

Trust Your Spouse

To cultivate trust, there are three areas that demand trust: trust in one's spouse, trust in marriage itself, and trust in God. Trusting one's spouse means believing the best in them, always giving them the benefit of the doubt, and focusing on their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Trusting in marriage recognizes that it is a divine institution and requires patience and perseverance through difficult times. Trusting in God acknowledges that He created marriage and has the power to work through any challenges.

Effective communication is essential for a healthy marriage, and it is a skill that can be learned and developed over time. Listening is a crucial aspect of communication. Men, in particular, are often criticized for their lack of communication skills. However, becoming a good communicator begins with listening attentively to one's spouse. By truly hearing and understanding their partner, couples can bridge the communication gap and build a stronger connection.

Ladies, your role in communication is vital as well. Proverbs 12 emphasizes that an affirming wife brings joy and honor to her husband. Complimenting, praising, and encouraging your husband are powerful ways to affirm him. Every compliment and word of encouragement is like placing a precious stone in his crown. On the other hand, constant criticism and complaining erode the crown, diminishing his joy and confidence.

Ultimately, every married couple should remember their first love—the initial spark and passion that brought them together. It's crucial to reflect on the early days of the relationship and recapture that love and desire. By remembering the love that once flourished, couples can reignite the flame and recommit to cultivating a fulfilling and thriving marriage. 

Love alone isn’t enough to sustain a marriage. Honoring and respecting one another, trusting in one's spouse and in the institution of marriage, effective communication, and affirming words are all vital components of a strong and healthy relationship. By embracing these principles, couples can nurture their love and build a lasting partnership that withstands the tests of time. 


Lasting Love, Part Two - God’s Design For Marriage


This I Know: Trusting In God When You Don’t See the Whole Picture