Passion Unleashed: Part Four

Wrapping up the series, "Passion Unleashed." This has been an incredible journey we've embarked on together and we want to focus our discussion on a subject that's not only close to my heart, but essential to the life of the church – passion.

Be a Passionate Church!

I'm not just talking about passion in a generic sense. I'm talking about the fire that burns within the walls of this sacred sanctuary, the fervor that defines us as a faith community. Yes, I want to talk about the specifics of passion in our very own Cornerstone Church. I believe this message holds great significance for us, a beacon guiding us forward in our journey of faith. Now, let me take you back to a statement I made at the outset of this series, a statement that resonated deeply with many and sparked lively discussions on social media.

I asked, "If we truly believe that people need to go to church, then let's be a church worth going to." It's a call to arms, a rallying cry for us to rise above the mundane, to transcend the ordinary. You see, I envision a church that's anything but predictable, a place where the routine is shattered, and the extraordinary takes center stage. A church that's not content with a mere song and a sermon but hunger for the palpable presence of God to descend upon us.

Imagine a community that's unafraid to clear the stage of all pretenses and programs, a community that humbly bows before the Almighty, saying, "God, have your way." That's the kind of church I want us to be – a church infused with passion, a church that craves an encounter with the divine and is willing to go to great lengths to make it happen. To kick off our exploration, I'd like to draw your attention to the Psalms, specifically Psalms 122, where David's exuberance for the house of the Lord shines through.

David proclaimed, "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'" What a sentiment! David, a man who knew God intimately, a man after God's own heart, expressed his joy at the mere thought of entering God's presence. Now, let's take a moment to unpack David's relationship with God. David's connection with the divine was unparalleled, marked by a profound intimacy that earned him the title of a man after God's own heart.

Yet, his imperfections were evident to all, revealing that God doesn't demand perfection but fervor. Friends, let this truth resonate within us – God seeks our passion, not our perfection. We can't attain perfection in this mortal coil, but we can cultivate an unwavering passion for the Creator. So often, we're caught in the trap of self-improvement, desperately trying to be better versions of ourselves.

Here's the twist – instead of focusing on ceasing undesirable behaviors, shift your gaze to kindling the fire of passion for God. As your passion intensifies, those stumbling blocks gradually fade away, overshadowed by the brilliance of your fervor. It's a mindset shift that can revolutionize our spiritual journey. You know, it's funny how life's revelations often appear when we least expect them.

David's passion wasn't confined to worship alone; he possessed an intimate knowledge of God's anointing, a firsthand experience of divine presence, and a deep understanding of authentic worship. It's no wonder he was so joyfully drawn to the house of the Lord. I must confess, I share that sentiment. For me, attending church is like stepping into a realm of healing and miracles, a place where God's presence intermingles with God's people.

Every Sunday, as I walk through these doors, I'm filled with anticipation, knowing that God will undoubtedly speak to me. It's as if the very air is charged with divine communication. Now, don't misunderstand me. As a pastor, there are moments when I must put on my "game face," so to speak. You see, I'm an introvert at heart. There are times when the prospect of social interaction is a bit daunting.

But the beauty lies in the transformation that unfolds within these walls. Each time I overcome my introverted tendencies and step into the church, I'm met with an outpouring of God's goodness that surpasses my expectations. The experience is always worth the effort. How often have we heard someone say, "I almost didn't come today," only to witness them leaving with a radiant smile, thankful for the decision they almost didn't make?

The testimonies of transformed lives bear witness to the truth that this is indeed a place of miracles, a space where God's voice reverberates within the hearts of His children. You know, my wife Carol and I were reminiscing the other day, tracing the various stages of our journey. From newlyweds to parents, and from empty nesters to doting grandparents, our life's chapters unfolded within the framework of Cornerstone Church.

Love Your Church!

As we traversed these stages, I realized that our love for this church paralleled a unique analogy Carol shared with me. She compared her love for the church to the experience of pregnancy. Now, before you get concerned, she wasn't talking about the physical discomfort or the cravings. No, she was speaking of the joy of nurturing something precious within, the anticipation of birthing something beautiful.

Similarly, my affection for this church isn't limited to Sunday mornings. It encompasses the entire journey – the preparation, the community, the prayer, the service, the messiness of challenges, and the exhilarating moments of God's presence. It's a sentiment I can wholeheartedly relate to. I often say that church is my "happy place," a sanctuary of healing and miracles. I believe many of you share that sentiment with me.

And there's a truth we must acknowledge – when we're passionate about God and His house, that passion ripples outward, transforming our other relationships and endeavors. It's a magnetic force that elevates our interactions, infusing them with a newfound energy and purpose. This realization brings us to a pivotal question: How would our lives transform if we channeled that same passion for God into every facet of our existence?

Can you imagine the ripple effect of such devotion? It's a profound inquiry that invites us to reimagine our priorities, our actions, and our interactions. As we stir the embers of our faith, a blaze of passion ignites, casting a brilliant light on our journey ahead. It's in this context that I'd like to share a verse from Revelation, a passage that holds an essential message for us as passionate believers.

In Revelation 2, Jesus addresses a church, offering both commendations and challenges. He acknowledges their toil, patience, and discernment. However, He raises a red flag, pointing out that despite their diligent works, they had forsaken their first love. It's a sobering thought – being active in service yet disconnected from the heart of worship. This church exemplified the importance of remembering the "why" behind their actions.

So often, we get caught up in the "what" and "how" of our pursuits, losing sight of the core motivation. It's a sobering reminder that our works, while commendable, must flow from a heart ablaze with passion for Christ. A fire for service devoid of love for God falls short of the mark. In the words of Jesus, it's time to return to our first love, rekindling the flame of devotion that compels us to action.

To this end, let's revisit the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, encouraging him to "stir up the gift of God" within him. Paul's exhortation reminds us that our passion is not passive but active. We're called to fan the flames of God's gift within us, allowing our fervor to guide our steps. And here's a nugget of wisdom to ponder: Don't merely attend church; come to Jesus.

This shift in perspective is transformative. We're not mere spectators; we're participants in a divine encounter. When we step into this sacred space, it's not about witnessing a performance but joining in a symphony of worship, contributing our voices to the heavenly chorus. Likewise, let our acts of service flow from a heart teeming with passion for God, recognizing that each action is an expression of worship.

As we journey together in faith, let's remember that our passion for God fuels our interactions with others. Jesus beckons us to transcend the superficial and engage in relationships with a fervor that mirrors our love for Him. Just as He challenged His disciples to prioritize Him above all else, we're called to center our lives around Christ, allowing His passion to infuse every aspect of our existence.

Rekindling Passion: The Journey Continues

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you placed Jesus in the backseat of your life? Have you treated Him like a roadside assistance option, only calling on Him when life breaks down? I refer to this attitude as "backseat Jesus." It's a reminder that our approach to passion should not be lackadaisical, relegating our relationship with Christ to the periphery. Instead, we're called to keep Jesus in the pilot seat, allowing Him to guide and lead us in every aspect of our lives.

I recall a church that once received a bad report card, a church that had dwindled due to a lack of spiritual hunger. This serves as a cautionary tale, prompting us to be vigilant about the early warning signs of complacency in our own lives. When heaven becomes an afterthought, when worship loses its fervor, and when spiritual milestones are treated as mere routine, these are indicators that our passion needs rekindling.

Enter With A Heart of Thanksgiving

Practical Steps to Ignite Passion

1.     Enter with Thanksgiving: The process of igniting passion starts even before entering the church building. A heart of thanksgiving and praise sets the stage for encountering God's presence. This principle invites us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and to actively participate in worship from the very beginning.

2.     Draw Near to God: James 4 reminds us that drawing near to God initiates a divine response. Our efforts to seek God lead to His presence drawing near to us. This encourages us to engage with intentionality during worship, sermon, and prayer, allowing God to speak to us through various avenues.

3.     Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Faith is the catalyst for God's intervention in our lives. God responds to faith, not to our needs or problems alone. Our passion for God should be accompanied by a faith-filled approach, trusting that God is willing and able to respond to our requests when we believe.

4.     Keep Meeting Together: Hebrews 10 stresses the importance of not forsaking the assembly of believers. Church is a place where significant moments happen. It's where friendships form, where spiritual growth occurs, and where answers to problems are found. Consistent participation in the church community fuels our passion for God.

The Journey to Greater Passion

The Word alone will not change our lives; it's our active response to God's Word that leads to transformation. Passion is about pursuing God wholeheartedly, not seeking perfection but embracing the journey of becoming more passionate in our love for Him.

The passion we ignite in the church transcends its walls, permeating every area of our lives. This isn't just about loving God more; it's about being more passionate about God. Our passion for God should fuel our interactions with others, guiding us to be people who prioritize God's pleasure over the opinions of others.

A Call to Unleash Passion

Passion is the driving force that transforms our lives. From the moment we step into the church, to our interactions with others, and even in our quiet moments of prayer and worship, passion for God should guide our actions.

Passion for God isn't a fleeting emotion; it's a deep-seated devotion that shapes our perspectives, decisions, and relationships. It's about embracing every moment as an opportunity to draw closer to Him, to seek His presence, and to reflect His love to the world around us.

So, my friends, let’s take the torch of passion ignited within the walls of our and carry it into our daily lives. Let’s be relentless in our pursuit of God's presence and unwavering in our commitment to glorify Him in all that we do. May our passion for God radiate through us, touching lives and transforming hearts.



21 Days of Prayer


Passion Unleashed: Part Three