Passion Unleashed: Part Three
We’re continuing our journey of exploring the unleashed power of passion in our spiritual lives. As we've discovered so far, each one of us possesses a unique passion, and it is our responsibility to keep that passion stirred.
Jesus said, “Remember Me”
I want to share with you a principle that I believe is crucial to staying passionate in our spiritual walk. This principle comes directly from the teachings of Jesus, and it revolves around the act of communion. In one of His discussions with the disciples, Jesus emphasized the importance of remembering Him whenever they partake in communion. You see, remembering Jesus is the key to staying stirred spiritually.
Let's dive into a few powerful and practical verses that highlight the significance of remembering. John 14:26 assures us that the Holy Spirit, the Advocate sent by the Father, will remind us of everything Jesus has said. The Holy Spirit is our divine helper, prompting us with the knowledge and wisdom we need in our daily lives.
Similarly, 1 Chronicles 16:12 encourages us to remember the wonders and judgments of God, while Psalms 119:55 declares a constant remembrance of God's name and His word. Isaiah 46 echoes this theme, urging us to remember the former things and acknowledge that God is unmatched in His greatness.
When we meditate on these verses, something stirs deep within us. The goodness and majesty of God become tangible, igniting the fire of passion within our hearts.
As we continue our passionate pursuit of God, we must never forget His presence and His promises. How often do we face trials and storms, relying solely on our own strength and wisdom? We forget that we serve a God who cannot fail, who has granted us authority in the name of Jesus, and who has given us access to the Holy Spirit. Prayer becomes a lifeline in times of trouble, a way to connect intimately with our heavenly Father.
Have someone in your corner when navigating through a storm.
Having served in ministry for nearly four decades, my wife, Carol, and I have witnessed many people navigating through life's storms. We believe that everyone going through a difficult situation should have someone in their corner, supporting and believing in them. While there are numerous pieces of advice to offer, I want to share the top five principles that can help anyone going through anything.
First and foremost, always remember to take the next step. God's direction for your life is to move forward, never backward or away. Our spiritual journey should continually progress into deeper realms with God. There's always a next level, another step to take. If you find yourself wondering, "Is this all there is to my spiritual life?" the answer is a resounding "No!" God has much more in store for you.
Think about your walk with God as an unending quest for greater revelation and growth. Just as a seed must be buried in darkness to release its potential, our journey with God sometimes takes us through dark places. But these dark moments can bring out our hidden strengths, abilities, and creativity, transforming us into stronger and more vibrant individuals.
However, fear can often hinder our progress. Fear of what others may think, fear of failure, and fear of the unknown can paralyze us. Let's break free from these chains of fear and step confidently into what's next for us.
Now, the second principle is simple yet profound: if you fall, get back up. It may seem obvious, but many people struggle to bounce back after a setback. Imagine yourself as a rubber ball designed to bounce back after falling. Don't be like an egg, fragile and broken, unable to recover from life's blows.
Remember, even in your darkest moments, God will use those experiences to shape you, to bring out the best in you. You'll discover strength, resilience, and abilities you never knew you had.
The third principle revolves around remembering the lost. Consider the biggest problem you'll ever face – sin and separation from God. That problem has been solved for you through Jesus Christ. With this victory in hand, every other challenge in life pales in comparison. When we remember those who don't know Jesus and are heading toward an eternity without Him, our perspective shifts.
Care enough to pray for a friend
We are here today because someone cared enough to pray for us, to invite us, to share the Gospel with us. The transformation we experienced should ignite a passion within us to share the Good News with others.
We previously explored the concept of passion unleashed and the importance of keeping our passion stirred. We discussed how remembering Jesus and staying passionate about Him can have a profound impact on our spiritual lives. Now, we’ll talk about some key principles that can help us maintain and reignite our passion for God in times of difficulty and complacency.
It's Okay to Not Be Okay
One of the most liberating realizations in our spiritual journey is understanding that we don't have to be perfect to come to God. We may struggle with issues, make mistakes, and have difficulties, but the beauty of our relationship with God is that He accepts us as we are. We don't have to pretend or cover up our struggles. Instead, we can be real and authentic before Him.
God desires to meet us where we are, broken and imperfect, and bring healing and restoration. We must recognize that it's okay to not be okay and that God's grace is sufficient to cover our shortcomings. In fact, it's in our brokenness that God's strength is made perfect.
When we embrace our vulnerability and lay our struggles at the feet of Jesus, He can work in us and transform our weaknesses into strengths. So, if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, remember that God's love for you is unconditional, and He invites you to come just as you are.
Remember the Lost
In the hustle and bustle of our lives, it's easy to get caught up in our own problems and forget about those who haven't yet experienced the love of Jesus. However, one of the most effective ways to reignite our passion for God is by remembering the lost.
Reflect on the moments when someone shared the Gospel with you, prayed for you, or invited you to church. Think about how their passion for God influenced your life and led you to a relationship with Him. We are called to be witnesses and ambassadors of Christ, reaching out to those who don't know Him with love and compassion.
When we remember the lost, it stirs our hearts to reach out and share the hope and joy that we have in Jesus. Our passion for God is rekindled when we recognize that our lives have the power to impact others for eternity.
Remember Your First Love
As we journey through life, it's natural for our passion for God to ebb and flow. We may go through seasons of spiritual dryness or complacency. In times like these, it's essential to remember our first love—our initial encounter with Jesus and the awe and wonder we felt at His presence.
In the book of Revelation, Jesus commends the church in Ephesus for their good deeds but admonishes them for losing their first love (Revelation 2:1-7). It's a powerful reminder for us to guard our hearts and never lose the fervor we had when we first encountered Jesus.
Take time to reflect on your journey with Christ and the moments when His love overwhelmed you. Remind yourself of the miraculous ways He has worked in your life and the blessings He has poured out upon you. Let those memories reignite your passion for Him and draw you back to a deeper relationship with your Savior.
Passion Unleashed is a journey—a journey of keeping our hearts on fire for God, even in the face of challenges and complacency. We must remember that passion isn't just an emotion; it's a deliberate choice to pursue and prioritize our relationship with Jesus.
In this series, we've explored the essential principles for keeping our passion for God alive:
Remembering Jesus and the significance of communion in stirring our spiritual fire.
Embracing our responsibility to keep our passion stirred.
Recognizing the power of helping others encounter God and remembering the lost.
Acknowledging that it's okay to not be okay and finding comfort in God's grace.
Reflecting on our first love—the initial encounter with Jesus that ignited our passion.
As we apply these principles to our lives, we can experience a passionate and vibrant relationship with God. Let’s continue to pursue Him, seek His presence, and remain steadfast in our love and devotion to the One who first loved us.
Remember, passion unleashed is not just a moment; it's a lifestyle—a life fully surrendered to the love and will of our Savior, Jesus Christ. So, let us press on, knowing that the best is yet to come, and our passion for God can only grow stronger as we journey with Him.