Revive Us Again
Ignite Your Faith and Awaken the Dormant Fire Within
Isn't it true that at times we all yearn for a revival in our spiritual journey? We go through cycles, and sometimes find ourselves in wilderness places. Many of us have prayed, "God, revive me. I want to be passionate for You."
We seek revival, wanting God to kindle our spirits anew. The word "revive" aptly describes what God desires to do within us and our church.
The Need for Revival
You don't have to be a prophet or a theologian to see that we are living in interesting times. God is undeniably moving and doing unique things on earth. It would be a mistake to be out of tune with the Holy Spirit and miss what is happening. We sense that God is preparing to do incredibly great things, and we long to be attuned to His plans.
While not everything about God's forthcoming actions is clear, the Bible does give us glimpses. We might not know every detail, as 1 Corinthians 13:12 says, "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." Yet, even with limited understanding, we feel certain about some things God is about to do.
Three Things God is Doing
From a time of prayer and reflection, three key activities have become evident:
God is revealing Himself through His church.
Through His people, God is making Himself known. Our actions and Christlike attitudes are His hands and feet in the world. Even our conversations should be filled with Christ. We need to seize every opportunity to talk about Jesus, sharing Him with others in our daily mission field. Paul reminds us in Colossians 4:6, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
God is revealing Himself in nature.
The Bible speaks of signs in the heavens and earth—earthquakes, wars, and other events—that signal God's activity. While these may not be openly discussed due to fear of panic, they remind us of the prophesied occurrences in the last days. Jesus said in Luke 21:25-26, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world."
God is reviving His church.
There is a divine desire to revive His people and His church. The local church is like God's franchise in the community, a place where people can encounter God and find answers. Revival is about restoring what was dormant, like the burst of life seen in nature during spring. Psalms 85:6 pleads, "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?"
Joy is a sign of revival!
Signs of Revival
Joy is a major sign of revival. Even amid trials, problems, and struggles, we can still have joy. Such joy signifies that God is alive within us. There's been too much heaviness in the church, with many dealing with brokenness and heartache. But God aims to fill His church with joy, as Jesus stated in John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
If our walk with God feels difficult or rote, we need revival. Psalms 51:12 captures this cry perfectly: "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." Remembering the joy of our initial salvation can reignite our passion for God.
The Experience of Revival
Getting born again is a transformative experience. There’s a stark contrast between life before and after encountering Christ. Every believer should recall their "turning point," when salvation and a new birth occurred.
Just as we have a physical birthday, our spiritual rebirth is a moment worth remembering and celebrating.
Living in Continuous Revival
Revival should not be limited to scheduled events but lived as a daily experience. It isn’t about having a visitation from God but a habitation. God seeks a constant relationship with us, not just weekend visits. Revival resides within us; it's something we must stir up regularly.
2 Timothy 1:6 urges us to, "Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you." We revive ourselves by reminding each other of God's goodness, faithfulness, and mercy. We lift ourselves from despair by focusing on His greatness. Remembering what God has done sparks revival within us.
Barriers to Revival
There are barriers to experiencing revival, including:
Busyness: Letting our schedules take precedence over time with God.
Distraction: Allowing other interests to divert our attention.
Carnality: Pursuing fleshly desires over spiritual ones.
Fatigue: Being too exhausted to engage spiritually.
Daily, these barriers need to be addressed to maintain a close walk with God.
Thriving is living abundantly!
From Surviving to Thriving
Surviving is about just keeping afloat, but thriving is living abundantly. The difference lies in our willingness to leave behind distractions to seek God, just as Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane. Sometimes, to thrive spiritually, we need to move from our "here" to God's "there."
An Amen Corner
In the past, churches had what was called an "amen corner”—a group of people so invested and engaged in the service that their enthusiasm was palpable. We need such a spirit today, where everyone is actively participating and supporting the message of Christ.
A soul-winning church never forgets about people. The world needs the message of Jesus Christ, and a revived church is crucial to reaching them. Living in revival means fostering a joyful, worship-filled, loving environment where people can encounter God.
Revive Us Again
Revival is about God revealing Himself through His people and nature while renewing the church. It’s a continuous state of being, fueled by a heartfelt desire to live joyfully and purposefully in God's presence.
Despite the obstacles of busyness, distractions, and fatigue, believers are called to stir up the gifts within them and live lives marked by revival. Let’s strive to be a community that not only seeks God fervently but also makes an indelible impact on those around us.