Supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Embracing the Supernatural In Our Churches

Intrigued by the supernatural ministry of God, I want to talk about the topic of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Let’s look at 1 Corinthians, 12:1-11. “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: 2 You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led. 3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. 4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.”

Before we dive into these verses, let's establish the foundation of why this exploration is essential. During a time of prayer, God impressed upon me the need to reintroduce the supernatural ministry into our churches, the supernatural things of God. God is a supernatural God, if he wasn’t, He wouldn’t be much of a God.

Living in Two Worlds: Natural and Supernatural

We coexist in both the natural and supernatural realms simultaneously. The tangible world we see, feel, and hear is complemented by the supernatural world that requires our engagement through the gifts and presence of the Holy Spirit. As believers, we should embody the supernatural nature of our God.

The Church: Birthed for the Supernatural

The Church

The church finds its origin in a supernatural event—the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the upper room. Jesus instructed His disciples to wait until they were baptized in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, thus empowering them to be the church and ushering in a season of supernatural encounters. We, too, are called to embrace this supernatural aspect of our faith.

Daily Encounters with the Supernatural

Contrary to popular belief, we encounter the supernatural on a daily basis. Ordinary acts such as prayer, worship, attending church, and reading the Bible are infused with the supernatural. Every time we speak, we tap into the power of life and death held within our words. Recognizing these supernatural dimensions in our lives is crucial, as we are spiritual beings experiencing life on Earth.

Understanding the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Now, let's turn our attention to 1 Corinthians 12. The Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of not remaining ignorant about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We must grasp the knowledge of the Holy Spirit's work and presence. It's essential to comprehend that these gifts are not natural talents or abilities, but supernatural manifestations orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

Gifts on Loan: Stewardship and Responsibility

Contrary to the modern notion of possession, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are not personal possessions. Rather, they are on loan from God for the purpose of benefiting the entire body of Christ. These gifts are entrusted to us by God, and we must exercise responsible stewardship over them. We should avoid claiming ownership over specific gifts but instead humbly acknowledge our role as vessels used by God.

Exploring the Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Within 1 Corinthians 12, Paul outlines nine distinct Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Let's categorize them into three groups for better understanding.

Revelation Gifts: Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, and Discerning of Spirits. These gifts involve perceiving and understanding spiritual truths and supernatural insights. Power Gifts: Gift of Faith, Gifts of Healing, and Working of Miracles. These gifts empower believers to exhibit God's miraculous power and intervene in supernatural ways. Vocal Gifts: Prophecy, Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues. These gifts involve verbal communication that impart divine messages, prayer, and interpretation.

Avoiding the Pitfall of Naturalizing the Gifts

It is crucial to distinguish between natural talents and the supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The mistaken notion that these gifts align with human abilities or professions can diminish their divine nature. Let's resist the temptation to downplay or control these gifts but rather seek growth and expansion in our understanding and experience of them.

Embracing God's Supernatural Designs

As we conclude this exploration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, let's remember that these gifts extend beyond the confines of the church. They are available for us to experience and employ in our daily lives. Let’s embrace the supernatural nature of these gifts and walk boldly in the power of the Holy Spirit, allowing God to stretch us beyond our comfort zones. May our desire be to operate in these gifts for His glory and the edification of the body of Christ.

Gifts of Healing in Ministry

Miracles, Healing, Faith

One of the fascinating aspects of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit is that they are often seen in different ministries. For instance, the working of miracles is frequently observed in the ministry of evangelists, while gifts of healing are more commonly seen in the ministry of pastors. This correlation arises from the nature of their work, as pastors regularly interact with people and tend to their needs. As a personal example, when I started my ministry as a children's pastor, I found myself in constant contact with kids, and it became evident that many of them dealt with asthma. During that season, almost every child I prayed for with asthma experienced healing from the condition.

The Power Gifts: Doing Something Supernatural

Within the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, there are three categories referred to as the power gifts. These gifts involve performing supernatural actions that bring about a change in the natural course of events. The three power gifts are the working of miracles, gifts of healing, and the gift of faith. While these gifts are not exclusive to individuals and may vary in effectiveness, it is not uncommon for certain people to excel in one area more than others.

The Gift of Prophecy vs. the Office of a Prophet

It’s important to differentiate between the gift of prophecy and the ministry office of a prophet. The ministry of a prophet is one of the five-fold ministry gifts, alongside the apostle, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. These individuals are called to a public or platform ministry, devoting their lives to it. On the other hand, the gift of prophecy is a supernatural utterance that primarily serves to edify, exhort, or comfort others. While a prophet may occasionally deliver prophecies with a more direct tone, the underlying purpose is always to heal, restore, and align individuals with God's will.

Tongues and Interpretation: A Supernatural Utterance

The final set of gifts within the Holy Spirit's repertoire is tongues and interpretation of tongues. When spoken and interpreted, these utterances carry the same weight as prophecy. Although delving deeper into the specifics of these gifts is beyond the scope of this article, it is worth noting their significance. However, a more detailed exploration of tongues and interpretation is best suited for another discussion.

The Limited Expression of Gifts: Why We Don't See More

Having covered the various Gifts of the Holy Spirit, a question naturally arises: Why don't we witness these gifts more frequently in our churches today? There are several reasons that contribute to this occurrence.

1)    Lack of Teaching and Instruction - One significant factor is the lack of teaching and instruction on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As the saying goes, "You get what you preach for." If churches emphasize salvation, people respond by seeking salvation. Similarly, if the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not taught and emphasized, believers may not pursue them or even be aware of their existence.

2)    Misuse and Abuse - Another hindrance is the history of misuse and abuse associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some have witnessed the negative aspects and harmful effects that can arise when individuals operate in these gifts without proper understanding, guidance, or accountability. It is important to address these concerns and bring order, instruction, and direction to the exercise of these gifts while avoiding a wholesale dismissal of their value.

3)    Seeker Sensitivity vs. Holy Spirit Sensitivity - The emphasis on seeker sensitivity in churches may also contribute to the limited expression of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. When the focus shifts primarily towards accommodating and attracting seekers, there can be a tendency to downplay or sideline the supernatural aspects that accompany the Holy Spirit's work. Striking a balance between being sensitive to seekers and the leading of the Holy Spirit is crucial. It requires intentional effort to create an environment where both seekers and the Holy Spirit's manifestation are honored and embraced.

4)    Fear and Unbelief - Fear and unbelief can also hinder the expression of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some individuals may be skeptical or unsure about the supernatural workings of the Spirit, leading them to suppress or dismiss these gifts. Overcoming fear and cultivating a vibrant faith that expects and welcomes the Holy Spirit's activity is essential for experiencing the fullness of His gifts.

5)    Lack of Activation and Practice - Like any skill or ability, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit require practice and activation. It is not enough to merely have knowledge or understanding of the gifts; believers must actively seek opportunities to exercise and develop them. Churches can provide platforms and opportunities for believers to step out in faith, practice using their gifts, and receive feedback and guidance from more mature believers.

Surrender to God

6)    Personal Willingness and Surrender - Lastly, the limited expression of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit can also stem from personal unwillingness or resistance to surrender to the Spirit's leading. The Holy Spirit desires to work through every believer, but it requires a yielded heart and a willingness to step out in obedience. When individuals are open and surrendered, the Holy Spirit can flow more freely and manifest His gifts in greater measure.

In conclusion, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to all believers and are intended to edify, equip, and empower the Church. While there may be barriers that hinder their expression, such as lack of teaching, misuse and abuse, seeker sensitivity, fear and unbelief, lack of activation, and personal resistance, it is important for the church to address these issues and create an environment where the gifts can flourish. As believers embrace the fullness of the Holy Spirit's gifts and operate in them with wisdom and love, we can expect to see a greater manifestation of His power and supernatural work in our churches and in the world around us.


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