Colt Straub Colt Straub

Book of Mark: Part Three

Let's explore the deep meaning of the Sabbath and the transformative power of following Jesus Christ. The Sabbath, divinely set for humanity, offers a day for rest and worship. It's a chance to reconnect with our Creator and strengthen family ties. We'll look at the biblical account of Jesus healing a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Claiming Your Mountain: Unleashing the Power of Faith and Hope

Starting a faith journey means more than just dreaming; it means actively pursuing those dreams. Writing down what we hope to see happen because of our faith is a strong way to make our faith real. It's not just about listing what we want; it's a clear sign of our faith, showing we trust in God's promises.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Messy Love: Embracing the Call to Love

The concept of love, with all its complexities and nuances, has been a subject of exploration and discussion through the ages. Yet, one of the most profound and transformative discussions on love comes from the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Book of Mark: Part One

As we delve into the verses of Mark and explore the ministry of Jesus, we are reminded of the message of hope, redemption, and salvation that Easter represents. This time of year serves as a reminder of the power of faith and prayer and how they can transform our lives.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Under Construction (Part Three) A Generous Marriage and Building a Strong Foundation

The series 'Under Construction' focuses on the continuous process of building and improving marriages. It emphasizes the importance of having an intentional marriage and the role of generosity in building a strong and successful relationship. A generous marriage prioritizes selflessness, giving, and forgiveness. By being generous, couples can create a solid foundation for their marriage and experience the power of a loving and fulfilling partnership.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Under Construction (Part One) Building A Strong Marriage

Marriage is meant to last a lifetime. This series “Under Construction” is not meant to make anyone feel bad about their current situation, but rather to help those who are in a marriage relationship get the most out of it. We aim to provide guidance and support to married couples who want to strengthen and improve their marriages.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Choosing Discipleship: A Life of Action and Transformation

In our life and faith journey, the choices we make hold immense importance. The concept of free will grants us the ability to choose, and it is through these choices that we shape our path. To highlight the significance of choices, let's take a playful approach by using the game 'Would You Rather' as a conversation starter.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

“I WILL” (Part Four): On Becoming “Better Men”

A Message to Men: You Matter!

At the core of every community, men play a crucial role - as pillars of support, guardians of tradition, and catalysts for progress. At Cornerstone Church, this couldn't be more accurate. With a collective consciousness, we recognize that the pursuit of better methods in building our church takes a backseat to the quest for 'better men.' The key is simple: as men's value rises, so does the spiritual strength of our church.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

“I WILL” (Part One) - Expect A Miracle

Some of us are going to desperately need a miracle in 2024. Unfortunately, this is the case, but we live in an imperfect world. Some will face illness, financial crisis, relational breakdowns, or threats to health and safety that only God can resolve.

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