Simply Christmas; Part Two: Embracing the Joy
At times, we become so preoccupied with obtaining the ideal presents and decorating our residences that we fail to recognize what really matters. So, this year, let's strip it back to basics and rediscover the joy of a simple Christmas.
Simply Christmas; Part One: Finding Peace In Challenging Times
Ever felt like life's noise drowns out your inner peace? Imagine a Christmas stripped down to its bare, serene essence—no flashing lights or towering gift piles. Just you and the heart of the holiday: faith, family, and simple joys.
Not Feeling It: Overcoming Holiday Blues and Finding Hope
Ever feel like the Grinch during holiday festivities? You're not alone. The holidays can often feel more bitter than sweet, stirring up a storm of emotions that many of us would rather keep tucked away. And yet, here we are - facing another season filled with twinkling lights and cheerful carols while battling an internal darkness. Sound familiar?
The Power of Agreement In the Life of Believers
Ever been in a place where you feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling? You're not alone. Many of us have been there, stuck in that awkward dance with silence. Did you know that there's more to prayer than meets the eye?
Attitudes For a Changed Life: Applying the Beatitudes
As we break down and apply each Beatitude, we'll discover that Jesus promises blessing with the right heart posture. This profound happiness comes only through a close relationship with him.
Let’s Protect Our House: Going Deep With God
The church is a place where the presence of God abides. Through prayer and worship, our faith community engages in supernatural encounters, opening hearts and minds to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.
The Handwashing Fiasco: Jesus Calls Out Religious Hypocrisy
In Mark Chapter 7, we read about an intense confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees over the issue of handwashing. This story provides powerful lessons for Christ-followers today about avoiding religious hypocrisy and pursuing wholehearted devotion to God.
Applying God’s Word to Our Lives: Reflections on Romans Chapter 12
In Romans Chapter 12, the apostle Paul, inspired by divine wisdom, provides practical and insightful advice on how we can effectively apply God's word to our everyday lives. In this chapter, the apostle Paul challenges us to live as "living sacrifices" and be transformed in how we think and act.
Experiencing the Supernatural Power of God Through Miracles
Miracles demonstrate the supernatural power of God breaking into the natural world. The Bible is filled with stories of miraculous works of God, from Genesis to Revelation. The greatest miracle of all is the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through His miracles, Jesus displayed His deity and sovereignty over nature and sickness.
Embracing the Obstacle: The Benefits of Being In Christ
Life is full of ups and downs. We all face obstacles, challenges, and difficult seasons. But as believers, we can have confidence that God will use everything for our good and His glory. We'll explore how God uses the obstacles in life to strengthen our faith and draw us closer to Him.
When In Romans: Walking in the Spirit The Key to Freedom
Romans Chapter 8 is a powerful passage where the apostle Paul teaches about living free from condemnation and walking in the Spirit. In this chapter, we learn that those who have put their faith in Christ are no longer condemned but have been set free.
When In Romans: Finding Freedom in Christ
Romans 6-7 teaches us powerful truths about freedom from sin and walking in new life through Christ. In this passage, the apostle Paul stresses the key differences between justification and sanctification - both part of our experience in Christ.
He also tackles questions like Is the law good or bad? Does grace encourage more sin? How can we live free from guilt and shame? We've all made mistakes and done things we regret.
It's part of being human. But it can be easy to let guilt and shame keep us from fully embracing God's grace and forgiveness. We will explore the path to freedom
Why We Worship: The Power and Purpose Behind True Worship
Worship is an essential part of the Christian life. But why do we worship and what happens when we engage in worship? We'll explore the biblical reasons for worship and how it impacts our lives.
It's a lifestyle of honoring God in everything we do. Through worship, we align ourselves with God's purposes and open ourselves up to His power working in and through us.
Whether you're new to worship or have been doing it for years, my hope is this post will give you a fresh perspective and excitement about worshiping our amazing God!
Valleys Before Victories - Overcoming Life's Battles
Life is a thrilling and awe-inspiring adventure, with its valleys and mountains that mold and transform us. Along the way, we face tests and trials that push our limits. But we must persist with unwavering determination, for it is through relentless perseverance that we conquer the summit and emerge victorious!
The Sword and the Shield: How to Activate Spiritual Warfare Through God’s Word
Discover the significance of the Sword of the Spirit and how God's Word becomes our ultimate weapon. It surpasses a mere physical tool; it embodies the divine Word found in the Bible. Together, let's explore how to effectively wield it in our spiritual journey of warfare.
The Supernatural - Favor
In a world that often seems mundane and predictable, where conformity and routine are the norms, there's a yearning for something more, something beyond the ordinary
Blessed To Be A Blessing
To be a blessing, we must recognize that we are blessed to bless others. This profound truth is often overlooked in our fast-paced lives, but it carries immense significance. Imagine starting each day with the conviction that you are indeed blessed. Not just blessed, but extremely blessed.
21 Days of Prayer
Welcome to a remarkable journey that has the potential to transform your life in just 21 days. If you're reading this, you're about to embark on an adventure of prayer that will not only enhance your spiritual life but also have a profound impact on every facet of your existence. We're diving into the world of prayer, exploring its transformative power, and learning how to develop a consistent and fulfilling prayer practice.
Passion Unleashed: Part Four
Wrapping up the series, "Passion Unleashed." This has been an incredible journey we've embarked on together and we want to focus our discussion on a subject that's not only close to my heart, but essential to the life of the church – passion.
Passion Unleashed: Part Three
We’re continuing our journey of exploring the unleashed power of passion in our spiritual lives. As we've discovered so far, each one of us possesses a unique passion, and it is our responsibility to keep that passion stirred.