Colt Straub Colt Straub

Letting Go and Moving Forward

At some point in life, we all experience moments where we feel stuck, burdened by our own thoughts, fears, or even past mistakes. Yet, there’s a powerful truth: the biggest hindrance to moving forward is often ourselves.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

I Witness: Part One

In every believer’s journey, there comes a moment when they are called to move from being a spectator to an eyewitness for Christ. This shift is about stepping into your God-given purpose, where you actively participate in sharing the gospel through your life and testimony. 

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Kingdom Come

Surrender isn’t just a one-time decision; it's a daily choice to allow God’s will to take precedence over our own desires. As we reflect on Matthew 6:10, where Jesus teaches us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” we are reminded of the importance of letting God reign in our hearts, bringing peace, joy, and wisdom into our daily lives.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Battle Ready

Most of us can identify with the feeling of facing a seemingly impossible challenge. It could be a difficult relationship, a health issue, financial instability, or a personal failure. The Bible acknowledges that these battles are inevitable. 

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Book of Mark: Part Nine

In life's journey, we often find ourselves moving between mountaintop experiences and deep valleys. This pattern mirrors what we see in Mark Chapter 9, where Jesus and His disciples experience both divine moments and challenging encounters.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Pathway to Victory

"We have all been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we are not demoralized. In other words, that just simply means we're not giving up. We're having problems, we're facing problems, but we're not gonna give up." - II Corinthians 4. When facing a storm, it’s crucial to shift the perspective from uncertainty to trust – trusting that God knows the way forward even when we do not.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Book of Mark: Part Eight

In Mark chapter 8, we witness a repeat of a miracle initially recorded in Mark chapter 6—the feeding of the multitude. This time, however, instead of feeding 5,000 men, Jesus feeds 4,000. The numbers are slightly different, with seven loaves and a few small fish instead of five loaves and two fish. Despite these differences, the core message remains the same: Jesus provides abundantly for those in need.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Book of Mark: Part Seven

The journey through the Book of Mark continues as we examine Jesus' confrontations with religious leaders and his teachings on breaking hollow traditions. In Mark chapter seven, Jesus addresses the Pharisees' focus on rituals over genuine faith. Through his teachings and actions, he challenges the toxic mindset of religious elitism and calls for a return to true devotion to God.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Book of Mark: Part Six

We often focus on the popular, more encouraging verses when studying the Bible, especially on Sunday mornings. But to fully grasp God's message, we need to look into every verse, even the difficult ones. So, let's journey through Mark 6 with an open heart and mind.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Facing Life’s Storms

In every person's journey, there comes a time when they must face the storms of life. Whether you're navigating through the early days of marriage, enduring family struggles, or experiencing personal hardships, these storms are inevitable.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Revive Us Again

Isn't it true that at times we all yearn for a revival in our spiritual journey? We go through cycles, and sometimes find ourselves in wilderness places. Many of us have prayed, "God, revive me. I want to be passionate for You." We seek revival, wanting God to kindle our spirits anew. The word "revive" aptly describes what God desires to do within us and our church.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

The God Series, Part Four: God’s Names Revealed - Your Key to Provision and Peace

Here is a popular quote: "Move me, scare me, anger me, comfort me, challenge me, teach me, but don't leave me like I was when I walk through those doors." This quote highlights a challenge and a prayer: when we enter God's house, we should leave changed. There's a deep wish to see lives transformed and for people to be moved by the gospel, shaking off the slumber and mediocrity we often experience. This is why it's important to continually seek and understand God's names, as they reveal His character and power.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Time Is Weird: Unlock God’s Purpose for Your 24 Hours

Let's talk about something that has fascinated and puzzled humanity for centuries: time. Isn't time weird? It can feel like it drags on forever and yet flies by in the blink of an eye. If you're a parent, you probably know this feeling all too well. One moment you're cradling a newborn, and the next, you're watching them graduate high school. How does this happen so quickly? Let's dive into this fascinating topic and explore how understanding time and managing it can help us align with God's purpose.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

The God Series, Part One: Discovering the Loving Heart of Our Heavenly Father

We’ve all faced moments where others misjudge or misunderstand us. It's frustrating and can make us feel isolated or alone. Have you ever been seen as someone you're not? Maybe someone thought you were mean or selfish, and you wondered, "Where did that come from?" We all have times when others get us totally wrong. Have you ever said one thing, but someone heard something completely different? Miscommunication happens often, and it can lead to misunderstandings. Have you ever met someone and found they weren’t anything like you thought? Maybe you had a preconceived notion, but when you met them, they surprised you. These experiences with people can also reflect how we sometimes view God. We might misjudge or misunderstand Him based on what others say or our own misconceptions. But the truth is, God is not like any person we've ever met. He is infinitely loving and merciful.

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Colt Straub Colt Straub

Jesus Is In the House: Unleashing the Power of Faith

Jesus Is In the House! These words radiate warmth, comfort, and a reminder of His divine presence. It’s an invitation to experience something extraordinary - a place filled with faith and the promise of answered prayers. As Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

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